Tuesday, September 10, 2013

{Book Tour} The Pact by Graeme Brown Book Review

Title: The Pact
Author: Graeme Brown
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Publisher: BURST (May 4 2013)
Buy Links: Kobo | Kindle | Other Formats

Enter the world of Will Lesterall, a boy who’s grown up in the safety of his father’s castle.
Tales of the outside world ruled by warring kings and creatures of nightmare have never seemed a threat, yet on the night celebrating the two hundredth year of the sacred Pact that has kept Fort Lesterall safe, a secret intrigue ripens, and in the course of a few hours Will is confronted with a choice greater than he can comprehend.
Join an unlikely hero as destiny pulls him into the middle of an ancient conflict between fallen gods and ambitious women, one that demands blood, both holy and wicked, and the power of an ancient fire bound in steel. As swords clash below a watching wood, hope and betrayal war as fiercely as fear and valor.
Whether he lives or dies, Will Lesterall will never be the same.

Author Bio:
Graeme Brown is has been enchanted by the epic fantasy genre since he was a child, and consequently he started creating his own world with its stories at the age of thirteen. Influenced by writers like J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and George R. R. Martin, he has finally brought the first of those stories to life with his debut title, a short story called The Pact—48 pages that will whisk you away to a dark, medieval fantasy world with gritty realism. When he’s not writing, he can be found exploring number theory problems or writing computer programs, training for a marathon, or unwinding in a yoga hot room. He has also explored other facets of art, both as a hobby and a profession, including vector graphics, pen and ink, classical piano, and web design. Despite being a full time student and a junior editor for Champagne Books, he makes sure to do a little writing every day. He is presently busy with the first of many sequels to The Pact, A Thousand Roads.
For more about Graeme, visit his website: http://www.graemebrownart.com/the_pact.html

Author links:

My review:
This book can be read in one sitting. It is a dark fantasy in ancient times.  The author wrote this really well I felt that I knew the main character Will Lesterall  personally by the end of it. I felt that he was a normal lad rather than a svelte handsome man that always seems to be the hero in most books, it made  refreshing change. In the beginning I had trouble getting to grips with the plot due to the book only being 46 pages there was a lot to know about in a short amount of time but it got easier to digest as the book progressed. 
A great start to the series. 

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